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What is this place?

Aunt Hazel’s Whichcraft Project LLC is a reuse/recycle/repurpose community craft store and maker space. You are made of magic and we are here to celebrate all your creations.


How does it work?

We acquire magical supplies through accidental magic, buy-nothing groups, yard sales, auctions, and generous donations from community members who want to share their unwanted supplies with others. 


If you have craft supplies that you are no longer using and are ready to part with, we will pick them up from you or you can deliver them to us during business hours. In exchange we will give you a coupon for your use in acquiring magic supplies that meet your needs.


How much does this “magic” cost?

This store’s first priority is to serve our community. We believe that there is magic in all kinds of people regardless of their financial power. We offer 4 ways to engage with us:


  1. Become a Project Club Member - 

    1.  Pay monthly dues that work with your family size and budget!

      1.  Become a member of a thriving community of the coolest crafters and creators and treat Aunt Hazel’s as your “clubhouse.”

      2. Come and get anything you need to make magic in Paco’s, at home, or wherever the Muse speaks to you, whenever you need it (and the Clubhouse is open) AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.

      3.  Come and take any classes offered by Aunt Hazel’s Staff AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.

      4. Use Paco’s Workspace whenever/however you need it (as long as the Clubhouse is open and consistent with community standards) AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.


2.    Buy a Daily Membership Pass 

1. Join us Saturday and Sunday for Open Community Hours. 

2. Pay what you think is fair and equitable for your experience that day at Aunt Hazel’s/Paco’s.

3. Join us any other time we announce Open Community Hours and pay what is fair and equitable for that experience.


          3. Treat Someone Else To Magic

  1. Support the magic at Aunt Hazel’s by joining the Dodo Dragons or Alexis’ Army. 

  2. Look under the Membership tab on on our website or use the QR Code in the store to support those who need to make magic at Aunt Hazel’s but are not in the financial position to pay for that experience.

  3. Pay $5 or $10/month so that someone else can create, communicate, cooperate, commune, and connect with themselves and their community AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THEM.


4. Accept Someone Else’s Magic Gift

  1.  If you need to make magic but don’t have the funds at this time to support that need, it’s ok. We got you.

  2. We offer FREE memberships to any community members who NEED them with no questions asked on an “as supported” basis.

  3.  Come in and claim a Community Membership! We want to make magic with you even if (especially if) you are broke.


Are any of you actual Witches?

That’s a secret. 


Who is Aunt Hazel?

Aunt Hazel is our aunt. This is her “Project.” She made the original magic that appeared in the store. We received a package from her explaining that we were now responsible for distributing her magic to our community. This is our effort to honor that gift.

You will likely never see Aunt Hazel. She has been “off the grid” since 1914. She appears only when she wants to. If you have questions about her, please ask but we might not know the answers.


Why does the store look like this?

When Irene was a little girl, she went one time for a visit to Aunt Hazel. Aunt Hazel lives in a treehouse in a seemingly enchanted woods. Her treehouse is filled with unique cabinets filled with incredible craft supplies and oddities. This is Irene’s memory of that place.

Everything in this store was lovingly handcrafted or acquired purposefully by Aunt Hazel’s Progeny as a living tribute to our family’s eccentric and beloved matriarch.


Why is an axolotl involved?

That’s ?. (Pronounced Question Mark but some people call them Queshie.) They are nonbinary so we use they/them pronouns. They are Aunt Hazel’s spy. Aunt Hazel rescued them from a bucket in the back of Casa Azul when Aunt Hazel paid her respects at Frida Kahlo’s funeral on July 14, 1954. They watch everything and report directly to Aunt Hazel. (Luckily they only speak Spanish.)

All axolotls are critically endangered. They are only found in captivity because their natural ecosystem in the lakes near Mexico City have been destroyed by water pollution. ? is now an Ambassador for all endangered animals and is here to make sure that WE ALL ARE DOING OUR PART to protect our environment. If we want to keep cool animals like Queshie on this planet, we have to reuse, recycle, repurpose and buy locally as often as we can.

The fish in their tank may or may not be food. Don’t get attached. It’s the circle of life.


Who is Irene?

Irene is Aunt Hazel’s great niece. She has had many jobs but crafting has always been her passion. She enjoys all crafts but she is particularly fond of crocheting and quilting.  Her job is to make sure all the magic runs smoothly. Irene’s love language is teamwork and she has very big mama energy so let her love you up and tell you how magic you are. It makes her happy.


Who is Bella?

Bella is Aunt Hazel’s great great niece. She is a proud graduate of the Baltimore School for the Arts and has  Bachelor’s degrees in Studio Art, Art History, and Art Conservation from Marist College and the Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici in Firenze, Italy. While Bella is a trained fine artist, she also is an avid self-taught crafter of all types. Bella believes that magic is made when great technique is joined by time, resources, and inspiration. Her job is to make sure the community has access to teaching and learning opportunities to grow our collective ability and appreciation of crafting.



Who is Maya?

Maya is Aunt Hazel’s great great nibling. (That’s the nonbinary term that equates to niece or nephew.) While Maya is a full time Emergency Medical Technician, they are also a passionate crafter. They will be leading our LGBTQ+ community outreach with special emphasis on young people. They are our Director of Whimsey and their job is to make sure we are all still having fun even when it's frustrating. (No one needs to give themself a heart attack because their crafting isn’t working out the way they hoped but if you do, Maya is happy to try to help.)


Who is Violet?

Violet is Aunt Hazel’s great great niece. She is in Germany getting her Bachelor’s Degree in Ethics, Politics, and Economics from Bard College Berlin. You might actually see her in the store but if you do she’s been guilted into laboring for no money. Her job title is Indentured Servant. She crafts when she has time and/or is forced to because her mother over-commits to everything and everyone. If you see her, be nice to her. She’s the only one who does any work around here. Maybe give her a tip. 


Who is Paco?

Paco is Aunt Hazel’s companion. She met him at the Karni Mata Temple sometime around 1949. While you might think he’s a rat, Aunt Hazel is convinced that he’s a human. They were former lovers and now life partners. He’s quite an interesting guy. You might see him outside lurking but he’s definitely not welcome inside.


What do I do if I really need a craft supply but I don’t see it on display?

Ask us! This store is not like other places. We don’t order specific things from a corporate wholesaler and then mark up the prices for our customers.  We get what we get and we try to find space to share it with you. Sometimes we put things in weird places. Sometimes we haven’t brought it from the Magic Room to the Treehouse.  Sometimes we don’t have it but know where to get it. Sometimes we never thought to have what you are asking for but we will find it. Just ask.


Do you sell crafts that other people make?

Sort of. We have a microbusiness incubator called The Kids’ Table. See the tab about that on the website or look at the info board in Paco’s.


Will you buy my really cool craft supplies?

Unfortunately no. We would love to give everything away and buy everything from everyone but the magic doesn’t extend to bill collectors. So this only works if the VAST MAJORITY of supplies are gifted. We can gladly give you a coupon for our store but we cannot pay you cash money.


What about returns or refunds?

Because our supplies come from a variety of second hand sources, we don’t really know what condition each of our supplies are in. We think we are giving you supplies that will work as intended but due to the nature of some of these items it is possible that something just doesn’t work. Please come back to check if we have a suitable replacement. If we don’t you may select an equivalent valued replacement. Under no circumstances will we issue a refund.


What if I really want to learn how to make a craft but I am completely clueless and I really just need someone to teach me?

How badass are you that you set goals and look for resources to achieve them? You are amazing. We got you. Check out the community crafting calendar on the website or on the info. board in Paco’s.


What if I’m a legit expert in a certain craft and I want to make money teaching it to other people?

We definitely want to talk to you. Please see Bella to talk about what you do, how you teach it, when you have time to teach it, and other questions that will help us match you with students and studio time.


What if I want to take my crafting to the next level by entering a monthly crafting challenge for fabulous prizes and nothing but positive vibes and maybe even get my own solo show?

Then you should sign up for CRAFT SLAM! Come to Aunt Hazel’s the Last Saturday of Every Month to get the mystery challenge. You will have one month to complete the crafting challenge. You will bring the finished craft back on the Last Saturday of the Month for display in our Community Crafting Case. Each month a winner will be selected by popular vote. Each month’s winner will be invited to compete in a tournament. The winner of Craft Slam will be given their own Crafting Showcase. Everyone will get fabulous prizes and the joy of crafting. Talk to Irene.


Can you you help me destroy a cursed craft?

Probably. We will give it our best effort. 


Can I rent the Workroom for a private event?

Yes!  We will be offering this space for private parties. You can rent it as just a space or you can request it be utilized for a specific craft or a specific crafter. We can stock your party with craft supplies, crafting instructors, snacks, and/or party favors OR we can just leave you alone and watch you do your own magic. Look for the Tab called Party Packages or check the info board in the Paco’s.


I heard you were going to offer memberships and a craft tool library, is that true?

Yes!  We are officially entering Phase 3: The Membership Club Phase. Moving forward in order to fully use Aunt Hazel’s and Paco’s you will need to become a member. If enough of us become members, we can afford the tool library. Let’s make magic!

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